View Full Version : New posts and un-read posts

06-11-2005, 11:07 PM
Currently the reading posts and having them marked read does not work well for me. dont know why, but hey... usually posts are not marked read when I read them.

I quite like the "Mark Forums Read" so I dont find the above much of an issue.

what I would like to see though, is a link that "display all new" + "mark all read" so that I dont miss posts that are posted between the last time i hit display all new and then mark all read.

Also, how about a setting (individual preference maybe?) that doesnt expire the "new" status until you have read the post.

or maybe a View all Un-read posts and not expire the un-read status till you mark it.

sometimes I want to view one or 2 posts but then have to eithier read all the new ones or risk missing something important

07-11-2005, 02:31 AM
hmmm, maybe the marking of new posts is something to do with firefox... and maybe because I had about 40 pages open over 2 windows :P

other issues still apply though :)