View Full Version : OT: Public Transport - What a waste of money

23-10-2003, 01:03 AM
I was just reading the NZ Herald and it said 2.24 Million people use the Auckland trains each year. This is false. I means about 9,000 people INSERT INTO post VALUES (1%) of Auckland use it 250 times a year.

I really wish the powers that be, realise that we are spending billions of dollars to make life easier for only 9,000 people or a small percentage.

I tried Public Transport. It took up to 2 hours extra per day in travel. Time is better spent at home, at work or in my VR-4. As I live only 15 minutes by car from work, this extra time is a waste and assuming about $60.00 per hour cost of my time INSERT INTO post VALUES (including x 2 for it being outside work hours) thats a waste of $120 per day. If I include "loss of time with VR-4", the cost would be astronomical. :D

Therefore, in order to better benefit my personal economy, I drive my VR-4 :cool1:

23-10-2003, 01:57 AM
Wellington has the highest users of public transport and I think we all benefit from this as in lower pollution & less congestion. What Auckalnd needs is both an efficient public transport system for commuters, tried parking in Cenrtal Auckland recently? and a decent North-South corridor for the motorway to get people though quickly. Local govenment must start investing NOW and rate payers are going to have to accept they will pay for this to happen. The problem is not going to go away, it only gets worse...:Ponder: :Ponder:

23-10-2003, 02:30 AM
Because Auckland is so spread out, no public transport system will work, based on patronage only. Public money should not be spent on this.

The car is here to stay. Let's just think of better ways of working, e.g. telecommuting, or encourage city planners to have businesses base the main offices in Suburban centres.

23-10-2003, 02:34 AM
I was just about to say the same. The geography of Auckland makes it difficult for one mode of public transport to cover it all. On the other hand look at Sydney, not too different from Auckland and it is very well known for an excellent public transport system. We are about 15 years behind in our roading and even more so with our public transport. There will always be two sides to the coin but in my opinion either take apart and re-build the transport system while modelling it on what Sydney hasINSERT INTO post VALUES (busses, trains, boats etc) all in one go or put all the money into roading and get it done now!

23-10-2003, 02:38 AM
There are a few proposals floating around for another City - North Shore passage. This could mean another bridge from Birkenhead to Ponsonby or a tunnel. Also lesser plans to extend the current Harbour Bridge by another lane which will be for busses only. The bridge and commuting to and from the shore is bad but the real problem with our roads lay around Spaghetti Junction. It is hell trying to get through there even more than 2 hours either side of peak traffic.

23-10-2003, 02:55 AM
Did you know it is easy for me to take the Motorway to Central City "15 minutes", then any of the other routes, Dominion Rd, Mt Eden Pah Rd, Manukau Rd or Gt South Rd.

Today, I had to go from Royal Oak to Mt Eden it is was quicker to get on the motorway at Greenlane, get off at Symond St and go down Dominion Rd.

23-10-2003, 03:01 AM
Tunes youre right, whatever you do just do it NOW!!!. Auckland transport is a big burden on all of New Zealand and its only getting worse!!!

Ultra VR-4
23-10-2003, 05:47 AM
I remember the days when one stage cost 45c :)

23-10-2003, 06:22 AM
What does it cost these days? I haven't caught a bus in over 6 years.

23-10-2003, 09:22 PM
I think I paid $3.30 for 3 stages recently, had to walk another 20-30 mins tho.