View Full Version : Couple of gags, just received.

18-10-2006, 04:31 PM
A Welsh bloke walks into an upmarket brothel on the outskirts of London.
Drops £500 on the Madam's desk and says...
"I want your ugliest, most overweight bird and a plate of Welsh rarebit."
The Madam replies
"For £500 you can have one of my most gorgeous,experienced girls"
The Welsh guy replies..
"Listen luv, I'm not horny, just homesick"

Irish bloke takes a couple of mates out on the lash and invites them back to his new flat to carry on the party.
They are most impressed with the flat, but are fascinated by a large gong above the fireplace.
"What the fxxk is that for?" asks one.
"It's my speaking clock" replies the host.
"How the fxxk does that work then?" asks another.
"I'll show you" says the host and runs up to the gong and smashes it with a hammer.
Immediately a voice from next door pipes up "For fxxk's sake you Irish cxxt, it's quarter to fxxxxing three in the fxxxxxg morning!"

No offence intended, before someone issues a DEATH WARRANT.

Made me smile, and I should have the arsehole about the first one...:happy:

18-10-2006, 06:56 PM
PMSL - especially the second. Think they work equally well with any nationality though.