View Full Version : i know its old but...still funny

09-01-2007, 11:26 PM
Aussie Cricket Humor

A distraught Australian woman rushed into the local police station claiming she had been raped.

The Desk Sergeant calmed her down and asked her to provide details.

She told him that it was a man of average height dressed in white and that he was wearing protective pads on his legs and forearms, additionally he had on a helmet and gloves.

"That sounds as if the man was a cricketer," observed the policeman.

"Oh, yes he was," replied the woman, "and what's more he was an Englishman".

"I suppose you guessed that because of his accent ," said the Sergeant.

"No," the woman said, "it was because he didn't stay in very long."/haz :evil2:

09-01-2007, 11:33 PM