View Full Version : Speed Cameras

12-05-2003, 05:39 PM

ill be checking route down to japfest, as ive not got any detectors...

chris g
13-05-2003, 11:36 PM
GATSO's are used on some motorway road works but watch out for what I think is the newer camera, looks a bit like CCTV - yellow with a little box at side of it

This may be Truevelo - uses average speed so you will see them at start of roadworks at start of speed limit - or to side/above motorway - and then another one/two futher along and then prob at end of roadworks where speed limit ends

They average your speed so if you go slower past them then speed up and then slow down again they can still get you for an illegal average speed on the road between the sets of cameras

Watch out for them - keep average speed legal - do not take risks

13-05-2003, 11:49 PM
at road works i complelty understand, there are people walking about doing their job, they dont need people speeding my risking their lives.. its one the the places i have respect for, aswell as built up areas.

14-05-2003, 12:16 AM
Just a shame that many roadworks don't have anyone around working.

I'm all for cameras in the right places but when they are definitely located for revenue it really :mad2: me off.
I'm a calm driver and maybe step over the limit by about 5 miles an hour.. I'm the one that will be caught, not the other guy doing 90 passed a school.