View Full Version : WRC 2k7

02-11-2007, 10:19 PM
I've been downloading the WRC2007 season onto my comuter and was wondering if anyone is keen to watch it, with christmas break coming up and all.

Maybe do a bbq and WRC get together or something

08-11-2007, 12:22 AM
Dude, I'd be SUPER keen..!

It's been so hard for me to keep up to date with things since bloody Sky TV bought the rights... /Grrr

Should be a cracker end to the season though... go Marcus (just quietly)

08-11-2007, 06:24 AM
lol, marcus for the win. haven't gotten that far yet, so don't tell me who wins :D. It'll prolly be ol sebby loeb. From what I have seen is is in perfect form.