View Full Version : lack of ideas in films

05-12-2007, 06:03 PM
anyone else noticed how the lack of ideas seems to hit the entertainment industry. ok we all know about the annoying bands of the last 3 decades are coming back, for some reason. and songs are being released.
but i was in the cinema, sunday. and the trailers and movies out today, seem to be vaguely familiar
i watched the hitman movie, which was pretty good, if you have played the game, you have to have played the game to understand it.
but there was a trailer, for will smiths new film "Iam Legend"....it is the omega man but newer, its pretty much identical to be honest, apart from will smith cowering in a bath tub, where charlton heston would be killing or playing chess.

i must now go and find the omega man on dvd lol

05-12-2007, 06:56 PM
Will Smith - I heard this from a guy at work, WTF?? /Grrr

06-12-2007, 03:19 AM
Smith plays Robert Neville, possibly Earth's only survivor of a man-made virus. He works to create a cure but is stalked by nocturnal mutant survivors of the plague.
A man-made virus called "KV" wipes out the population of New York City in 2009, leaving virologist Robert Neville (Will Smith) the last human survivor in the city and possibly the world. Neville lives alone for three years,now it's 2012 and attempting to contact and find other possible survivors.[2] He is watched by nocturnal mutant victims of the plague. Neville was the indirect cause of the fall of man: his government-funded research helped spread the virus, and he now works to redeem himself for this folly by working to find a cure. Naturally immune, Neville realizes that two percent of the human race must also be immune. Nevertheless, many of them were killed by the infected, who became cannibalistic.[3] Neville finds himself outnumbered by the infected and running out of time

06-12-2007, 06:47 AM
I agree with the topic of your post. The same thing has happened with music. They are re-hashing old tunes that a new generation would not have heard before.

They did it with Kung-Fu fighting (originally by Carl Douglas), to name just one example. There are no new music groups of the same calibre as GnR, Iron Maiden, Deff Leppard etc etc

Instead we are fed this bull**** such as Britney Spears and countless wanna-be "rappers" who's "songs" consist of a repetitive beat or phrase. How people can buy this **** is beyond me. All it's about is marketing and consume consume consume - "Buy my album, buy my clothing, buy my perfume, I'm cool" - even if the songs you sing are ****?!?

As Bill Hicks on George Michael:

"you gotta have faith...." **George Michael falsetto voice followed by a series of gunshots**, "No George", intones Bill - "you gotta have talent!" (followed by some more gunshots)


06-12-2007, 10:42 AM
You are watching the wrong films, and listening to the wrong music. You have to dig a little deeper to find something unique these days - not at your local multiplex.

06-12-2007, 12:16 PM
i watched the lastest steven seagull movie, straight to dvd release....brilliant, better than undersiege, its still absouletly terrible, but so good. if you like seagull films you will know what i mean.
as for looking for the underground stuff.
uk rap-crap
uk music in general these days is crap
ive got a few bands i listen to which are underground, and break through from europe.
everything these days is awfull